A Foundation Rooted in the History of Los Cabos
Solmar Foundation
The primary goals of the Solmar Foundation are best explained through the history of the Solmar Group and its founder, Don Luis Bulnes. When Don Luis Bulnes came to Los Cabos, the town was little more than a small fishing village with a landing strip and a fish cannery. His visionary approach created water, electricity, and connectivity infrastructures that transformed Los Cabos into the bustling and successful tourist destination it is today
The health and prosperity of Los Cabos is deeply intertwined with the vision of the Solmar Group. Aligned with this view, our company created the Solmar Foundation, a non-profit organization which lends a helping hand to members of the community that need it most. Because of our founder’s role as President of the Fire Department’s Patronage, we are proud to say the Solmar Foundation received Mexico’s Presidential Commendation in our efforts to provide aid to the less fortunate.

Your donations become smiles
Commitment to Help

We are honored to have the opportunity to assist those in need throughout our community with the help of our valued guests and members.
When you donate to Solmar Foundation, 100% of your donation goes toward charity, the developer matches your donation dollar per dollar, and all the administrative expenses of Solmar Foundation are covered by the developer.
Solmar Foundation works with other public agencies and non-government organizations to combine resources and direct assistance to the areas where it is most needed.

Our mission is to dignify the neediest members in our community and help them achieve a better life through community programs and the activities of Solmar Foundation.

Your Spare Change Can Change LivesOn average, the Solmar Foundation:

Donate $174,000 USD per year tovarious NGO’s
Helps 23 associations
Distributes 3,000 food baskets per year
Organizes 12 job-skills workshops per year
Makes monthly donations to supplement the income of 2,000 local families
Provides 245 scholarships for children to continue their studies
Our Work Has Earned

2017 Honoris Causa from UGC for the best foundation in Baja California Sur

Peace Award from My World UN Monterrey for the programs to generate jobs for people with intellectual disabilities

CEPSA IAP Honor Mention for female director from donating foundations

Inclusive Company Award from Mexico’s Ministry of Labor for programs to create jobs

2017 Hotel of the Year by Community Hotels for the community work of the Foundation
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