With all our heart, a special
Thank you!

Challenging times put our hearts to test, and even during these trying months we have not stopped receiving loving messages and continuous donations. The support and generosity of our Vacation Members have been a tremendous inspiration to stay beside our mission: To lend a helping hand to members of the community that need it most, and to bring joy and health to their lives.

And there are many achievements attained during 2020 we would love to share!

Thanks to your donations we were able to:

  • Bring education to those in need
  • Help more children with disabilities
  • Support families affected by Genevieve hurricane
  • Organize raffles to support many causes like surgeries, special treatments among others
  • Donate linen and blankets for Covid-19 patients
  • Train our volunteers on strict hygiene measures
  • Train our community on volunteering work
  • Take part of the first virtual event to support children with autism
  • Organize events for breast cancer awareness, including conferences and a cycling journey
  • Hold special events to celebrate Women International Day
  • Bring smiles to the children of the community on Three Kings Day
  • Invite the children of community kitchen Puerta del Cielo as our VIP guests to the inaugural ceremony of Greg Norman’s Golf Course at Rancho San Lucas
  • Organize a fundraising concert, among many other actions held in 2020.

We want to thank you deeply. Without your voluntary donation of $10 USD per week, charged to your bill at check-out and through your Maintenance fee, as well as thousands of members who contribute with special donations, nothing of the above would have been possible.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and we are blessed to have enough friends, enough inspiration and enough love to keep creating a positive impact on the communities we have the fortune to help.

Thank you for your incommensurable support, generosity and care.

May this Thanksgiving be full of joy and blessings!

If you would like to join efforts to ours, please contact me at +52 (624) 145 7575 Ext. 74550 or feel free to write to info@solmarfoundation.org.
I’d be glad to assist you programming a visit or providing further information as how you can help.

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